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1st Irthlingborough Scout Group - Press Releases

Below are a selection of our press releases.

1st Irthlingborough show off their new trailer

Saturday 12th February 2011

On Saturday 12th February members of 1st Irthlingborough Scout Group received a brand new Goods Trailer which will not only replace their antique Trek Cart dating from 1914 but will provide secure transport for their camping equipment.

The Scout Group Council raised funds for this vital piece of equipment from proceeds from a Race Night, a donation from Northamptonshire Police and were supported by a most generous donation from the Grassroots Fund, a part of the Northamptonshire Community Fund, a charity established to help community projects.


The Grant from the Grassroots Fund was facilitated by the Community Projects Adviser for East Northamptonshire District Council who offers help and information to local groups.

The Leaders of the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts can now plan activities and camps further afield using this fine trailer and are most grateful for the support from all the donors.


The Group has received many messages of congratulation on acquiring the new trailer which was made possible by Grant Aid from :-

Louise Bagshawe


Andrew Langley

County Councillor

Sean Lever

District Councillor

Tony Keay

County Scout Commissioner

Revd.John Westwood

former Rector of St.Peter’s, Irthlingborough.

Peter Head

Nene Valley District Fellowship Member

Su Davies

Community Officer - East Northamptonshire Council

Louise Spolton

Communications Officer – ENC (Nene Valley News)

Catherine Collins

Northants News

James Compton

Kings Scout (Australia)

Revd.John Simmons

former County Commissioner

Olive Chatterley

former ‘Akela’ (now in New Zealand)

Arend Hoogervorst

Former Cub Scout (now in South Africa)


The group has also received many other verbal messages of goodwill and support for Irthlingborough Scout Group. All those offering these messages acknowledge the time freely given by our team of Volunteers who not only raise funds, but provide Scouting activities to the Young People of Irthlingborough.


Andy being congratulated by 1st Irthlingborough Scouts this weekend in Snowdonia National Park

Andy Hunt Receives His 20 Year Service Award

Tuesday 27th October 2008

It was a significant night for Irthlingborough Scout Leader Andy Hunt when he received his 20 year Long Service Award at the County Scouts Annual General Meeting last week. The County Commissioner Alastair Cochran made the presentation and congratulated Andy on his outstanding work with Scouting.

Andy, who is a serving Police Sergeant, joined Scouting as a Cub, went on through Scouts and attained the prestigious Queens Scout Award and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award. He is an experienced Mountain Leader and instructs both Leaders and Young People about safely organising adventurous outdoor activities.

He has worked with Cubs, Scouts, Venture Scouts and Explorer Scouts and apart from this work, Andy has taken a leading part in many Charity Expeditions for the Police Charities especially to support and help handicapped and vulnerable young persons.

More recently he has taken up an appointment with the County Scouts to give support to local Groups and encourage the development of Scouting for the Young People.

Richard Wilson Receives his Well Deserved Thanks Badge

Tuesday 27th October 2008

Mr Richard Wilson was cheered and thanked by over 100, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. Richard was awarded the prestigious ‘1st Irthlingborough Scout Thanks Badge’ by Nick Powell GSL, at the 2009 Halloween Party. He joins the exclusive company of Group Supporters and will have his name added to the Group’s Centenary ‘Thank You Awards Board’ situated in the HQ Entrance.

Richard has given the Group outstanding support over the last four years. He has been involved in many different projects and programmes; the highest profile work includes building the framework for the last two ‘Award Winning Irthlingborough Scout Group Carnival Floats’, the first being the: 2008 Centenary Carnival Float and the second being the 2009 Hogwarts Float.

Richard has also been heavily involved in the recent HQ refurbishment adding those important last minute touches. He has used his highly impressive carpentry skills to build fold-down tables in the HQ Entrance, complete new Beaver & Cub Storage Cupboards, built a bespoke cupboard to hide the electric boxes and meter. Richard worked to complete the new Scout HQ Kitchen, and finally even helped to cook for over 100 people at this summers Beaver Bar BQ.


The 'Thanks Badge' and the 'Chief Scout Thank You Card', is presented to individuals like Richard who are neither Members nor Associate Members, but whose practical support and service to Scouting, over a number of years, is considered worthy of special recognition.

It is Supporters like Richard who helps make the Scout Group work – they give up their valuable time, energy, skills and resources. Richard humbly said after being presented, "that he just gave his time for the Young People of the Group and to see them having fun". A worthy recipient who was unanimously voted for by the whole of the Group Membership to receive the award.

From Left. Deputy County Commissioner: Alistair Cochran. District Commissioner: David Moreton. Cub Section Leader: Laurence Stainer.

Honour for Irthlingborough Scout stalwart Laurence

Wednesday 9th July 2008

Laurence Stainer, (39) a Cub Scout Leader from 1st Irthlingborough was presented with the Chief Scouts Commendation for Good Services at the Annual General Meeting of the Nene Valley District Scouts at Rushden, last night. (8th July 2008)

Laurence received the Award from Deputy County Commissioner Alastair Cochran.

The Chief Scout, Peter Duncan granted his Award by recognising not only Laurence's good and loyal service, but also to reward over 20 years in the Scouting Movement, 15 years as a Cub Scout Leader.

Laurence started his Scouting in Wellingborough and when he moved to Irthlingborough where he joined the Venture Scouts and then became a Leader.

He lives in Rushden and is married to Cheryl, and they have 3 children.

Laurence continues his support for Scouting.

Scouting Memories Appeal

Monday 16th June 2008

As you may know, Irthlingborough Scouts celebrate 100 years of 'Scouting in the Town', in this year 2008.

The Group is planning a weekend's Celebrations on 3-4-5th October.

An Exhibition of Photos and Memorabelia will be open for the Public to view during the weekend at our recently refurbished Headquarters in High Street.

It has been confirmed that Phil Hope - our Local MP - will come along on the Friday evening and officially declare the events 'open'.

1948 Troop

Everyone is welcome to visit the Headquarters and see the exhibits which go back to the very founding of Scouts in Irthlingborough, graphically record the years of 20th Century Scouting and show you what the Group is planning the Young People in the future.

Do you have any photos and articles which may be of interest?

Were you a 'Scout' and do you have any memories to recount?

Are you coming to the Reunion on Saturday 4th October?<

If you can help - then we invite you to contact

Group Scout Leader Nick Powell

Treck Cart at the summit of Ben Nevis

The Ben Nevis Challenge 2008

Friday 30th May 2008

After last years World Wide Scouting Centenary Celebrations, the 1st Irthlingborough Scout Group followed this year with it's own Centennial Celebrations, being one of the very first Groups and to have a full-unbroken history.

We have many celebration events going on throughout 2008. One of these major Challenges has just been completed - The Ben Nevis Event!!

From the left: Adam Noble. Shaun Pentlow. Andy Linnell. Ivan Kench. Richard Smith. Rob Patrick.

At the site

Just About to Start Off From Camp Site


Over the bank holiday weekend, 11 adult leaders took part in an attempt to raise thousands of pounds to help fund the completion of the Scout Headquarters refurbishment, and to purchase much needed additional camping equipment for their quickly expanding group.

Led by Andy Hunt, Scout Leader, we stood at the bottom of Ben Nevis on Sunday 25th May, 7:30am ready to climb! However, in true Scouting style, we decided to put a twist on the event. The group is lucky enough to own a 94-year-old "Antique" Trek Cart. This was the traditional method of transportation for Scouts at the beginning of the last centenary, where the Scouts would pile in their equipment, and pull the cart miles to their local campsite.

We decided to see if we could raise the spirit of this old tradition, and take the trek cart up the mountain - All 1,344mtrs ~ 4,409ft!!

On the Up!!

Things Started off Well


The cart has no carbon fibre, no titanium, and no fancy aluminium alloys - just very heavy wood and iron. Irthlingborough Scout Group used the trek cart right to the 1960's, but the age and fragility of the cart made its ongoing use almost impossible.

In 2004, after some discussions with former members of the Group, it was agreed that a restoration programme should be put in place. Through the kind generosity of Messrs. Wattson's of Thrapston and more particularly to Mr. David Watts (Founder of Watson's), a true craftsman. The Directors put in hand a complete restoration of the cart without charge to the Group .The cart still retains the motto engraved on its woodwork - Presented by Two Friends' - these being "Perkins and Bird Ltd.-Shoe Manufacturers in 1916"

Team Photo

From the left: Shaun Pentlow. Steve Abbott. Ivan Kench. Andy Linnell. Adam Noble. Julie Noble. Richard Smith. Rob Patrick. Andy Hunt. Martin Carline-Middleton. (Nick Powell taking Picture)


With glorious sunshine predicted for the day the team set off. After only a mile it became evident we were going to have to split the cart up to get up the steeper and narrower parts of the track - this turned out to be most of the route up.

Taking the Treck Cart to bits

Taking theTrek Cart Apart


After 5½ hours of heavy slogging, the summit was reached. With blue sky above, and snow below, that needed to be avoided, the view was a perfect reward for the team. After admiring the stunning landscape at the highest point in the United Kingdom, it was a shame to start the descent.

Taking in the View
The Summit

Taking in the View


The Summit

After putting the cart back together, the team managed to wheel it back through the snow and down the slopes. The descent was mostly made with the cart assembled, its metal clad wooden wheels bearing the brunt of the rocks and boulders. This is when we got most attention, with many walkers, both going up, and down, stood in amazement and commenting how good it was to see our challenge.

Once we'd got back down to sea level, after a brief 'pit stop' for re-fuelling (liquids only, of course), we took a slight detour THROUGH the river and arrived back at the campsite.

After 11 hours on the mountain, climbing 4,409 feet (plus a bit of snow), walking over 10 miles, the team hope to have raised over £3,500 (And counting) for the 1st Irthlingborough Scout Group.

The Descent

The Descent


Many thanks to the local companies that have supported the event including again, the very generous, Wattson's of Thrapston, plus Archway Care, Weetabix, Prestige Developments, Dats Print Services, Knights of Old plus many other local small businesses. Also for support from international companies, including HBoS, and Mercedes-Benz High Performance Engines.

If you are interested in also donating to the event, please contact the Group Scout Leader Nick Powell or going to our web site for further details

Many thanks to the leaders taking Part in the Challenge.

Andy Hunt

Project Coordinator ~ Scout Leader

Nick Powell

Group Scout Leader

Steve Abbott

Group Supporter

Shaun Pentlow

Group Treasurer

Andy Linnell

Group Supporter

Rob Patrick

Assistant Scout Leader

Ivan Kench

Group Supporter

Adam Noble

Explorer Scout Leader

Julie Noble

Group Supporter

Richard Smith

Scout Helper

Martin Carline-Middleton

Group Supporter


Also for the follow up team including, Lisa Swainston ~ Scout Assistant Leader ~ Sue Coomber ~ Cub Assistant Leader. And to the base camp team including Francis Carline-Middleton, Tania Powell and Deb Pentlow.

Ben Nevis
Ben Nevis Trek Cart Hike!!!

Thursday 22nd May 2008

1st Irthlingborough Scout Group, as part of their Centenary Celebrations will be heading for the Scottish Highlands this Bank Holiday Weekend.

13 of the Adult Leaders will be attempting to raise Thousands of Pounds in an attempt to climb to the Summit of Great Britain's highest mountain Ben Nevis.

However they are not doing it the easy way, they will be going back in time, and will be pushing the Scout Groups 94 year old trek cart. Over the decades, the group has used the cart for camp transport up until the 1960's, but the age and fragility of the cart made its ongoing use almost impossible.

In 2004, after some discussions with former members of the Group, it was agreed that a restoration programme should be put in place. Through the kind generosity of Messrs. Wattson's of Thrapston and more particularly to Mr. David Watts (Founder of Watson's), a true craftsman.The Directors put in hand a complete restoration of the cart without charge to the Group .The cart still retains the motto engraved on its woodwork - Presented by Two Friends' - these being "Perkins and Bird Ltd.-Shoe Manufacturers in 1916"

Not only will this highlight 1st Irthlingborough Scout Groups Centenary Celebrations, it will help raise much needed funds to complete the restoration of the Scout Headquarters in the town, along with helping purchase much needed camping equipment to give the Town's Young People the opportunity to enjoy all the traditional Scouting activities.

Many local companies have generously supported the event including Archway care, Weetabix, Prestige developments, Dats Print Services along with other small businesses. Also major international companies have also got involved in supporting the event such as HBoS, and Mercedes-Benz High Performance Engines.

If you are interested in also supporting the event, please contact the Group Scout Leader Nick Powell or going to our web site for further details

Leaders Taking Part in the Challenge

Andy Hunt

Project Coordinator ~ Scout Leader

Nick Powell

Group Scout Leader

Steve Abbott

Group Supporter

Sue Coomber

Assistant Cub Leader

Andy Linnell

Group Supporter

Rob Patrick

Assistant Scout Leader

Ivan Kench

Group Supporter

Adam Noble

Explorer Scout Leader

Julie Noble

>Group Supporter

Richard Smith

Scout Helper

Martin Carline-Middleton>

Group Supporter

Lisa Swainston

Assistant Scout Leader

Shaun Pentlow

Group Treasurer

Treck Cart

We also have a further 8 Leaders & Helpers at 'Base Camp!'

HBOS Foundation

1st Irthlingborough Scout Group benefits from £2,104 donation from HBOS Foundation

Friday 7th March 2008

The HBOS Foundation announced today that 1st Irthlingborough Scout Group, the Northamptonshire based charity, has been given a £2,104 donation. These funds have been provided by the HBOS Foundation Community Action Program.

o The Scout Group promotes the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential making them responsible citizens within their local community.

o The 1st Irthlingborough Scout Group is one of the longest serving Scout Groups in the world celebrating its centenary year in 2008

o The donation will be used to buy equipment needed for this year's event such as a Mess Tent, Tables and Benches, a Generator and a Gazebo.

The HBOS Foundation's Community Action Programme gives small grants to grass root groups and charities, with a focus on money advice, financial literacy and developing and improving local communities.

This programme reflects the Foundation's commitment to supporting communities where HBOS plc does business and to respond to local issues. This donation was made following an application from Halifax to the HBOS Foundation.

Group Scout Leader, Nick powell said:

1st Irthlingborough Scout Group has worked really hard over the last few years to make sure our town's young people have an opportunity to enjoy Scouting. This year, we are celebrating our Centenary, one of the very first groups in the world to honor this major achievement. As preparation, we have fully refurbished our Scout Headquarters, recruited and doubled our Adult leadership team, and grown our young people from 40 to almost 100. A real achievement, fully funded by a huge amount of local fundraising. We've had letters of congratulation from both the Palace, and Downing St, along with our Chief Scout.

Because of this expansion, our outdoor activity equipment was not up to the required standard to accommodate all our young people, this is where HBOS have supported us, and helped by funding the essential additional kit that's required to give the same opportunities to all our members. We are obviously very grateful for their support and on behalf of our group would like to thank HBOS for their generosity and support.

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