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Scout Activities

“A Pig and a Half Production” - January 29th 2011


January 29th 2011 marked the first-ever Scout section fundraiser led by the new Leader Team. The event was to raise funds to go towards the Scout section taking on a ‘Global Camping Challenge’ in 2012.

The Working Men’s Club in Irthlingborough was the venue, and a whole pig was on the menu!

Special guests for the event were Mrs. Teresa Ablett, our Town Mayor and her husband Richard.

“The Old Weston Band” started to play and George encouraged people to dance the night away.

The highlight of the evening has to be the arrival of the hog which had been cooking since 10a.m that morning!

Due to the sheer size of it, four strong men helped carry the huge pig into the hall. What an entrance it was!

The children and adults alike wanted to get up close and personal with it and take a good look. It was a terrific sight to see!


Everyone lined up patiently to receive his or her food. It was delicious and well worth the wait!

Once the food was served more dancing followed until it was time for the raffle.

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What fantastic prizes we had too! Everything from blenders and a slow cooker, to lighting, mirrors, bins, a saucepan set, tool kit, car cleaning equipment, kettle and a Hoover!- and all the alcoholic beverages you could imagine!

What a wonderful turnout we had on the evening, a massive ‘thank you’ has to go out to all those people that supported this event and without your support this event wouldn’t have happened. We had circa 200 people attend!

Another huge ‘thank you’ has to go out to the fabulous Scout section Leader Team for all their hard work in organising this event and their efforts on the night. Great job!

Not forgetting the Scouts too! What wonderful table decorations we had!

Ms. Kelly Potter from “Hot to Trot” supplied our hog and further details of “Hot to Trot” are available upon request to the Scout section.

Another ‘thank you’ goes to all those companies, friends and families for supplying the wonderful raffle prizes. A special thanks to Derek Paterson of DHL Homebase for their contributions!

Lastly, and not at all least, thank you goes to Alan, Peter, Roy and George who made up the “Old Weston Band”. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the music and dancing!

According to the feedback we had a fun, a great and successful evening, and raised lots of money for the Scouts to top it off!

We look forward to seeing you all again next year for a more finely-tuned production!

Lisa Swainston


1st Irthlingborough Scout Section

Brrrrr, time for the Scouts Cold Camp

“Where’s our camp?” the Scouts all cried.

I gave them some directions, a compass and a map of the campsite.

“How do we do it?” the Scouts asked.

“Follow the instructions and compass points to find your way young Scouts!” I replied.

After a while (some exploring and taking their own path) the Scouts reached base camp.

Time for the first activity and the Scouts were excited when they were given a treasure hunt. They were given more co-ordinates and went searching in the woods for the treasures we had hidden!

After a while (some exploring and taking their own path) the Scouts reached base camp.

They all returned with their bags of goodies and from that they were able to make their own lunch!

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The afternoon’s activities included making their own shelters, mud oven and signalling games. The shelters were a big hit and looked great when they were done!

Then it was time for dinner; the Scouts asked what we were making for them. It was a big surprise to the Scouts when we replied “You are making your own dinner!” It took a while for the Scouts to realise that they were having sausages and kebabs on sticks, jacket potatoes, chicken and eggs in oranges for mains and then baked apples and chocolate bananas for afters. All this was to be cooked on an open fire and they were happy to have a go themselves.

There were no complaints about the food and they all feasted handsomely on the food provided.

Campfire for some was a brand new experience, the leaders did their best to bring to life some old favourites and the fire was enormous!

We finished the evening off with a cupa soup, hot chocolate and marshmallows toasted on the alter fire and spread on biscuit’s which was a massive hit!

Bedtime and the Scouts were excited yet apprehensive about sleeping in their shelters. The leader team did a great job of making sure all were happy and tucked into their survival bags and some fell asleep very quickly indeed!

The following morning they arose very early! And the sleepy leader team made them a hot drink and got fires going quickly to keep warm. They were all so proud and so were we that they had slept in their shelters.

Breakfast was cereals, bacon and scrambled eggs and afterwards they all helped with gentle persuasion to tidy up and wash up!

The remainder of Sunday morning was breaking the shelters down and also going to the shooting range for some practical lessons in shooting rifles! They were so proud to have hit the targets and this event was loved by all!

After lunch, parents came to collect some very muddy and excited Scouts and all said that they enjoyed the camp!

A big thank you has to go out to all the leader team (Howie, Adam, Wayne, Jay, Rob, Fred and Lisa) for their efforts in making this a highly successful camp. May there be many more camps to come!

A big well done! to all those Scouts who attended and have now completed their survival badge! 15 Scouts in total! This was a big thing for some as it was their first ever camp and we are so proud that they conquered their fears and the cold!

Best wishes from the Scout leader team.

Scouts end of term barbecue

Armed with only a map and compass the brave young Scouts set off from the Diamonds to make their way to Raunds with the promise of great rewards for their efforts.

The journey was treacherous, but having navigated their way though some very large puddles, over gates and along country lanes the Scouts finally arrived at Andy’s house.

The barbecue and drinks that awaited the Scouts at Andy’s were extremely welcome after their long walk.

Steve and Nick did a grand job of cooking the food and although they nearly set light to Andy’s house, they pressed on and managed to provide a fantastic spread for the Scouts.

A big thank you has to go out to Andy for allowing the Scouts to come to his home!

After the Scouts all had filled their tummies, Andy turned his attention to some more serious scouting issues.

The closing ceremony was performed by Andy and saw James Coomber receive his Chief Scout Award!

This was the first time in many years that any Scout from the Irthlingborough troop has achieved this award. This is a very prestigious award and only a very few Scouts ever achieve it.

After the closing ceremony Andy performed the flag down for the last time, but the leader team had a little surprise for Andy of their own.


In recognition of his hard work, dedication and achievements for the group Lisa presented Andy with a book dedicated to Andy, which contained some great memories of Andy’s Scouting career with 1st Irthlingborough.

All of the leaders and scouts wrote notes, which were also posted in the book along with many photos. Accompanying this was an engraved tankard and a bottle of his favourite tipple to enjoy.

We rarely see Andy emotional but this evening really hit the spot! A great evening enjoyed by all, the end of the term and the start of a new era for the 1st Irthlingborough Scout section with Lisa heading up the troop and following in Andy’s footsteps!

Andy although distanced from the group for now, is still involved in Scouting and I think we can all agree he will be missed on a Wednesday night!

Thanks Andy for everything!

Grizly Paw 2010


At the beginning of July, thirteen members of 1st Irthlingborough Scouts joined by a small contingent of six Scouts from 8th Rushden (SA) attended the Grizzly Paw County Camp at Overstone.

Hundreds of Scouts and Explorer Scouts from all over the county attended the event.

The opening ceremony was colourful, with Scout Colours flying and a plethora of kneckers of all shades and combinations.

On Saturday, the Scouts divided into groups according to woggles that had been handed out on Friday and set off to take part in a variety of activities.

These included raft building, sailing at Pitsford, Archery, Shooting, Backwoods Cooking and Astroballs, together with the craft and puzzle tents.

The Cub sections also joined us for the day, and we had around 50 Cubs and Scouts in attendance!

This huge turnout meant that a vast amount of sandwiches and drinks had to be provided for lunch, as well as an equally huge quantity of Spaghetti Bolognese with interesting combinations of Angel delight and fruit or marshmallows for dessert for tea time.

All the catering was lovingly provided by Howie and Lisa, our camp cooks for the weekend (thanks, guys!). In the evening, the Scouts enjoyed an open air disco.


The leaders got stuck in and were involved in a variety of activities, including manning the climbing wall, making newspaper kites and building a clay oven (which cooked some stunning garlic bread for tea – thanks Steve!).

The paper kites were a great success – flying loftily on the stiff breeze that gradually built up over the weekend, and which made striking camp a more interesting time than usual!

It was good to meet up with leaders from other sections across the County – many of whom we had come to know through our training modules – and for the Scouts to mix with Scouts from other groups.


On Sunday morning, the Scouts again took part in activities, and by the time the closing ceremony arrived, all were fairly worn out.

The Camp chief, Tony Kay, closed the event, and we would like to again express our thanks for the wonderful weekend that it was.

Special thanks to all the Parents who helped us with transport and loading and unloading of equipment and not least to Matthew Howell for his catering skills!

Twas the week before Christmas and there was no chance of the Scouts being quiet!!

Twas the week before Christmas, all was still and quiet…… Until the Scouts turned up that was!!

The party started with a great game; trying to eat as much chocolate as possible wearing a hat and gloves while trying to be as quick as possible before the next person rolled a six and their turn was over. I think we had 2 clear winners, whether that was age and experience or whether they just had the biggest mouths to indulge in eating a whole mars bar at once we are not quite sure, never the less fun was had by all!

Next came a forfeit game, the Scouts passed “Pork Chop” the plastic squeaky pig round the circle and when the music stopped each of the scouts performed for the rest of the group. Our particular favourites were “Twinkle, Twinkle little star” and “Barbie Girl” sang by the majority of the group.

Scout Xmas Party 09

At this point we thought it a good idea to feed the troops. I must say the spread was fantastic and a massive thank you goes out to all the parents for providing items. I think we will still all be eating sausage rolls this time next year!!

Then the highlight of the evening came. The room became dark and a rather large shadow appeared at the window. Who could it be? Was it a plane? Was it an elephant? No it was “FATHER CHRISTMAS”

He made a swift entrance through the window laden with his special Santa’s Tesco sack! Remember at this festive time of year “Every little helps!!” (Think we’ll get a kick back from Tesco for the blatant advertising??)

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Scouts Xmas 0904
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The Scouts were un-phased by Santa's sheer size (and the appalling smell of his suit) and they proceeded to ask him all the questions that had been burning inside them for so long. Things like “how does Santa manage to do everything he does in one night?” and “do you supported West Ham United?”

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Scouts Xmas 0909

Of course Santa was able to answer all of the questions and handled the situation very well. He went to each child individually and gave a present carefully wrapped by his elves. AKA Andy Hunt.

The children said their goodbyes to Santa and he left.

We re-capped on the fantastic year’s events of camping, night hike, sailing and the most recent climbing wall to name but a few and all agreed we had, had a brilliant year.

A big thank you needs to go out to Andy, Nick, Steve, Sue, Leanne, Rob, Jen, John, Jay and Lisa and to the other helpers of the group for their efforts for the year and to the Scouts themselves for being them! We hope they will prepare themselves for a great new term next year.

Merry Christmas from the Leader Team at 1st Irthlingborough Scouts

St Peter’s Church Christmas Tree Festival - 13th Dec '09

Scout Xmas Tree 09

1st Irthingborough Scouts spent three weeks creating the Group entry for the Festival as part of their Creative Challenge Award.

All of the Scouts had the opportunity to make the tree, cutting out the sections with a jigsaw, painting and finally screwing it onto the support. They were all involved in making the decorations - Scout Fleur de Lys – from balsa wood, card and on transparency.

The Scouts also spent quite a lot of time making electronic decorations, soldering many LED’s and other components onto PCB’s in festive shapes. Unfortunately this proved trickier than it first looked and only one of them worked after all the effort put in by the Scouts, and it was decided not to use them in the final entry.

The finishing touches were added by Scouts James and John and ASL Sue who gave up their Thursday evening to ensure its completion before the tree going to the church on Friday. There were many positive comments made about out tree from visitors to the church. Many remarked on its bold and unique design and on the effort put in by the Scouts in its creation.

Well done Scouts!

Scouts Climb the Walls

On Wednesday 9th December 2009 20 Scouts from 1st Irthlingborough Scout Troop hopped on to the local Junior School minibus and headed towards Peterborough

What for? , I hear you ask, a spot of Christmas shopping or some carol singing?

Not Irthlingborough Scouts! No, as the weather was too poor for outdoor activities, (well for some anyway) we went to Peterborough to Climb the walls at Peterborough Mountaineering Club’s Indoor Climbing wall.

The Climbing wall is designed for Young People to experience top rope climbing. Under the supervision of qualified staff they can practice belay techniques and working as a team along with having a go at climbing on a good quality indoor wall, of course.

For some it was their first experience with the vertical walls proving to be a worthy challenge, others were old hands and soon got to grips with the more tricky stuff such as overhangs, rope ladders and the roof of the building!!



The end of the night came around far too quickly and back home we returned with the Young People all in one piece, back to the hut and anxious parents.

Scout Windy Walking Weekend


Friday 23rd October saw a remarkably easy exit from Irthlingborough, with 6 Scouts, 6 Explorers and 6 Leaders.......... and almost on time for a change!! (Hunty time must have been broken!!)

Arriving at the Cynwyd Activity Scout Centre just before 10pm the kettle went on for some Hot Chocolate, Cake, Biscuits and then bed for the Scouts. An early start the next day awaited them along with the challenge of climbing to the highest point in England and Wales - Mount Snowdon - all 1,085 metres (3,560 ft) of it!! While the Scouts bedded down for the night, the leaders still had to work through the route card. No worries it was all done by 1am. Grrrrr!

6:30am the Alarms blasted at the leaders to get up and get the breakfast on - Nick rustled up 18 bowls of cereal, 18 bacon sandwiches, 18 hot drinks 18.......!!! You get the picture! As you can see Nick has been working on his culinary skills lately!!

Next on the agenda, the pack-up’s then sorting the evening stew, some washing up, checking the Scouts had the right kit....... A day’s work before we even got on the mini bus!

The (infallible) plan of attack was to walk up to the peak via ‘The Pyg Track’ from the car park at ‘Pen-y-Pass’ along the lower slopes of Crib Goch before zigzagging above the lakes then on to the summit of Snowdon. Coming back down, the idea was use the ‘Miners Track and follow it back to the car park. All being well home in time for tea and medals (or failing that, back in time for the obligatory stew and dumplings!)

Well “That was the Plan!” getting to the car park was the first challenge! The road was literally being closed for some ‘strange people’ doing a marathon around Snowdon! Hmmmm....(it takes all sorts I guess, but people running up, down or round mountains are defiantly strange in my book!!)

Eventually, we managed to park the bus 3 miles away. Having already dropped the kids off, Andy had to trek back just to start the walk! He came into the café looking like he’d already trekked up to the summit and back – he was soaked! To say the weather was not clever – (well - just look at the pictures) was perhaps a bit of an understatement. Now we had to manage the Scouts expectations and explain to them that we’d probably not get to the summit. The expectation groundwork all completed, we set off in howling gales, but still in good spirit – though waterproofed up to the eyeballs!


The Scouts enjoying the “balmy” weather climbing Mount Snowdon!

Progress was good. The Scouts were warm, safe and not getting too wet. When we were about ½ way up, Andy set up the Group shelter for the Scouts to have lunch, whilst some of the leaders went ahead to check the conditions.


The Scouts getting under cover in Group Shelter out of the wind and rain for their lunch!

After a while the Scouts joined us, but clearly it was getting to be a struggle and the decision, (whilst disappointing) was clear – we had to turn around.


Sue Coomber 'Drowned' on Mount Snowdon!

Nick's new toy...Video on the web page

You'll need to allow the Active X control for the video to work!!

Descending quickly we were soon back in the café with hot chocolate drinks & drying out. Andy walked his three miles to find the mini bus then came back to pick us up. It was time to get back to the Activity Centre.

Hot soup, hot stew, cakes and a couple of mountaineering videos, including showing the Premier of ‘Too Tall’ directed by Adam Noble telling the Scouts all about the Atlas Mountain Expedition a couple of weeks ago – then a film ‘Touching The Void’ completed an entertaining, and educational mountain theme – then bed!

Sunday 7am, time to get up!! Much the same routine as the Saturday, though a bit more relaxed!! (All except for Andy. He had to travel back to Snowdon 1 1/2 hour round trip to get his coat that he'd left there the day before!). For the rest of the group, only a short walk - Llangollen Castle! But it was still windy!

Two special events on top took place (they were going to happen on Snowdon! – but you now know why they didn’t!) The first we invested Jay as our newest leader in to the Group.

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Nick Powell Congratulates Jason Drage on being invested in to the Group

The Scouts look on to Jason Drage being invested

Andy Hunt being congratulated by his Scout Section for his 20 Years Service to 1st Irthlingborough Scouts

Then Scouts took the opportunity to thank Andy, and congratulate him on receiving his 20 years Scout Service Award. Click here to read the press release about Andy 20 year's service award.

Back down for ice cream (yes - ice cream!), then back to the activity centre to finish off last night’s stew, with additional bacon & sausage!

It was time to head home, with the exhausted group arriving back at about 7pm!!

A great weekend – Big thanks to all the leaders for making it special for the Scouts and Explorers.

Scouts retain District Night Hike trophy

On Saturday 17th October a team from Irthlingborough Scouts set out for Yarwell at the northern end of the Nene Valley District in order to defend the District Night Hike trophy that they had held for the last two years.

The previous months worth of Scout evenings had been in preparation for this event with training taking place in respect of map and compass work, team building and knots. On the day James, Callum, Joseph and Sam made up the team under the supervision of John and Jay.

Arriving at just after 4pm they put up their tents and started the preparation for the evening ahead. Being the second team to set off was no advantage as it was already pitch black. The route took in freshly ploughed fields, a cricket pitch and sections of the Nene way crossing the river Nene twice.


There were five bases each of which tested the teams Scouting skills and ability to work as a team. The activities on the bases varied from knot tying to stove lighting. At the conclusion of the bases the Irthlingborough team were lying in second place but after time penalty points were added the team found themselves at the top of the list and retained the Nene Valley District Night Hike Shield.

All of our young people had a fantastic time and our thanks go to the main organiser Lee Bing and all those who helped in the delivery of this great event.

Scout Sailing Spectacular


Over the weekend of the 13th and 14th June 2009 the Scout section, were fortunate enough to be invited to sail from Suffolk Yacht Harbour aboard the ‘Mary G’ a Hans Christian “41 T” Built in 2005. In basic terms a large ocean going yacht. ‘Mary G’ belongs to Alan and Margery Watts who kindly invited the Scouts to sail with them all weekend.

The weekend started (for some of us anyway) on Thursday evening with the ritual loading of the Ford Mondeo workhorse – tents, stoves, tables, benches all systematically loaded and still three small voids to place Scouts and a driver! Job done, bumper running on the road surface..... perfect!

We didn’t set off until Saturday morning at 7am prompt (well 7.15, you all know how Hunty time works), En route to Hallowtree Scout Campsite near Ipswich. On arrival a quick re-distribution of bodies and down to the harbour where Alan and Margery were waiting aboard the ‘Mary G’. With the Scouts and Leaders loaded and off they went. With the sun shining and pleasant winds of about 14 knots a fantastic days sailing was had by all.

Back at the camp meanwhile the remainder of the team erected tents, set up tables and stoves and did the shopping.

The sailing team had a full day on the sea returning to camp for a great barbecue cooked by the catering team of John and Kerry.

Day 2 was essentially a repeat of day 1 with excellent weather and brilliant company.


The weekend saw 8 Scouts get an experience of a lifetime all thanks to the generosity and kindness of Alan and Margery. My unreserved thanks to them once again.

Scouts hand over Cheque


On Wednesday 3rd June, Scouts from 1st Irthlingborough presented a cheque to Jayne Adamson who represents The National Forum for Hospice at Home.

The section had decided to conduct a fundraising disco evening with a Mama Mia theme in April. The evening was a great success with sparkling 1970 costumes, loud music and plenty of beer for some! Overall the section raised £244 which was split 50/50 between the Scout section and the Hospice at Home charity.

Scouts Cycle ride Sunday 31st May

The idea was simple and relatively safe – Lets take the Scouts for a cycle ride, then I spoilt it by suggesting that we could take the parent’s along. Absolute pandemonium they wanted to race and ride through fords – not the kids but the parents!!!!!

It all took place on Sunday 31st May 2009 when a number of our Scouts and parents met at Rushden and Diamonds Football club to undertake our annual family cycle ride.

After travelling 17.63 metres we had our first casualty, luckily it was just a bike. Out came the tools we tried to repair it, but it was beyond the mechanical know how of messers bodge it and legit (Andy and Rob). Luckily Scotty had only just been delivered by Mum and Dad with younger brother on bike, so a quick phone call and bike swap and we were on our way.

The route was simple a few miles out through Stanwick lakes along the disused railway lines and then the return journey. On the outbound journey we stopped at the Ford near to Crow hill locks where I started to point out the wildlife, suddenly ‘SPLASH’ the sound of a cycle riding through the ford!!!!! I though Kids!!!!!!!!!!! I was right Peter Jennings and Nick Powell (Both Parents) had decided to lead the 'who can get the wettest on this lovely day' competition. From there it was fair game for the young people, adults etc. etc.

Following a number of stops to fix bikes (including the loudest blow out I have ever heard from James Barlow’s rear tyre), we arrived at our lunch stop, a nice piece of grass opposite the Woolpack Inn at Thrapston.

Error No. 2 (this one regarding parents....again). The parents had to keep them moving and occupied to prevent a mass exodus across the road. Varying excuses came out such as – "I need a wee", "Corr! look at those motorbikes in the car park I need to take a look" and simply "I really could do with a pint" (most of these came from the lips of Nick Powell)

Anyway eventually all concerned got back on their bikes and headed for home. The return trip only really interrupted by a mass ice cream purchase and fun at the park.

My thanks to all who participated, making it a fun day.

Anual Scout Treck Cart Pull - Hunty even finds a watch!!!!

On Saturday 7th March 2009, the 1st Irthlingborough Scout Section led by Leader Andy Hunt - started the now traditional' Annual Trek to Wadenhoe....and as is also traditional Hunty was late (well he was on H.T. - Hunty Time anyway)!!!

17 Scouts, 3 Leaders (and 2 daughters) took 7 hours to do the 10 mile trip - Along with the Group's 95 year-old Trek Cart - the last time it was out - Our gallant Leadership Team took it to the top of Ben Nevis (click here to see the Ben Nevis pictures)

Arriving about 18.00H.T (that's in the evening!),they were welcomed by Matthew Howell's famous stew - unfortunatly, Matt was unaware that Andy had invited far more people than he had been told!!

Anyway, after dinner, games-in-the dark were held (meaning they had more energy??) Then, early to bed and believe it or not - to sleep by 10pm

Treck Cart Team

Wind and rain lashed the tents that night with only Steve A. noticing how bad it was (and although he thought about doing what comes naturaly to a man over 45 in the middle of the night, he decided he didn't want to get wet, so he went back to sleep!!

Early morning and everyone was up and about. After a hearty breakfast and having taken down their tents, the Scouts (and hangers on) started their 10 mile journey back home!!

...then 'NEWSFLASH' - Never known before and catching every single parent out......

Wait for it....

Andy texted all the parents saying he was going to be EARLY!!! He must have had a Thesaurus and a watch for Christmas..!

Anyway, well done to all the Leaders, many thanks to those that helped sort the kit & put the tents up - and a brilliant effort by all the Scouts.

-Another Great Weekend.

Christmas is coming - The Scouts are getting fat!!!!

Wednesday 17th December will go down as one of the best Scouting Christmas Parties Ever! It had everything>>

The evening started with a chucking a Chicken & Pig Game. No one knew the rules - but it was great fun....I think!!

Next it was time for the annual emergency fire drill. Andy, as ever keen to show off his impressive culinary skills also thought it would be the ideal time to check the fire alarms were up to British standards by burning the pizza. Chris (our esteemed Chairman) will be pleased to hear they passed with flying colours.

As Andy set the party up on the top floor the Scouts designed, built and wrecked their party hats for the 'Best Ever Christmas Party Hat Competition!'

Right, everyone upstairs for the Christmas feast..... All the sugar and 'E Numbers'. Er... Woops I mean food you can eat & pop you can drink.... Crackers, Sweets, Crisps, Pizzas (only available in my favourite flavour, charcoal!!), Sausages, Pop of every ‘Day-Glo' colour you can imagine and not a tomato in sight!! Spot on!!

Gordon Ramsay must be quaking in his boots with this display of 'Michelin Star' cooking.   More POP anyone??

As the “Feast” neared its end there was the unmistakeable jingling of sleigh bells and much ‘Ho Ho Ho'ing'. You'd have thought all that noise would have given it away the identity of thee visitor, but NOOOO.

As we opened the fire exit we were convinced that Santa was in fact a burglar...I mean, how many Santa's turn up to a house call detached from their sack?? Luckily we managed to find the sack full of prezzies and I don't think anyone noticed (well too much). Bizarrely Santa was wearing the same jeans and trainers that Rob was wearing earlier. Now there's a thought, you never see Rob and Santa in the same room together. Coincidence?? I think not!!

“Hello Santa!!” chorused the Scouts. "My you've got a very dirty yellow beard!!" added the leaders.

Next it was time for the judging of the Christmas Party Hats. All the party hats were picked up and quickly repaired. Ryan Won – much to his amazement!!! Well done Ryan.

There was time for another load of Pop and sweets to be given out before the end of the evening (I wonder how many of the scouts slept with that much of a sugar rush??). Oh No. We then realised that the 'Stick the Reindeer nose' game (that had come free with a cracker) hadn't started, so we just all cheated as it was time to go home. Awww

Santa, you really do need to take that suit to the cleaners. You could "gag a maggot" on the smell!!!   Prezzies for all!!! Well done Santa.

Santa sent all the 'sugar high, E Numbered' Scouts off with a prezzie..... Happy Christmas Everyone he roared ~ Thank you Leaders for a great night.

Derbyshire Cold Camp 

It all started just 14 days before the event when we got the call….

"We are going Camping"


"But first weekend in February!..."


"Yes it’s the 'all new annual' COLD CAMP!!!" brrrrrrr!(Note: Great sell – Not! ~ can see why Andy's a Copper? Not a Salesman!)

Did I really say, "Yes?"

Andy then disappeared on holiday for a week & we all thought it was a joke; he'd come back & forget all about it?

Unfortunately the Wednesday before the camp the letter went out inviting scouts to the camp! It was on!

Nervously we all watched the weather & forecasts. The news channels were full of heavy snowfalls in the North, people trapped in cars & houses… It didn’t look good!

Did that stop us? Noooooo!

Friday, the night before, we organised the kit (Andy late!)

Then Saturday, we all met at 7am (Except Andy ~ late!)

Off we went up the motorway & arrived to a light covering of snow - just under zero degrees, we all warmed up setting up camp.

By 11:30 we were all off on a small hike. We headed for the Monsal Head Pub / Restaurant Car Park where the Scouts were given map reading lessons building on what they learnt at the Scout Hut.


We descended down to the old railway, then over the viaduct, turned left and down to the Wye valley to follow the Monsal Trail. After a few kilometres we all turned right climbing up about 1000ft and stopped for lunch. The views were spectacular!

After lunch we swung back along the top of the valley then down towards Upperdale. All the scouts took a turn at being in charge of navigation.



Towards the middle / end of the afternoon we climbed back up to the Monsal Head pub where we all had some refreshments, then headed back to camp. All the Scouts on the way back were asking, "What's for dinner?" then "Is it McDonalds?" I replied, "No, its stew?" the reply was "I'm not eating that!!!"

Dinner arrived, after at least an average of three plates of stew each! (Ha! So much for not liking stew!) Then a filling of cakes, biscuits & custard, the Scouts went out to burn off plenty of energy playing various games! All warmed up?


Andy kindly volunteered to stay with the Scouts & give Richard, Rob & Myself an hour off so we popped along to the pub for a 'swift half' next to a very nice roaring fire, and the 'local bore!' another story! But Richard put him in his place with stories of his 5-year trek across Asia!! He couldn’t beat that one!

After an hour (Yes just an hour!) we arrived back where we found Andy had given all the Scouts a hot cup of drinking chocolate (Not before his Milk exploded!) & got them all off to bed. We followed not too long after, but not before getting a few great stories from Richard about his trip around the world.

After a very cold night!! We woke up to a really fresh, but fantastic morning & had breakfast, then took all the tents down & packed up.

Then off to the 'Blue John Caverns' the Scouts descended 244 steps below ground, where they went through small tunnels, and large caves. After coming back out on top we went to have lunch at Derwent reservoir (Andy reminiscent of the last time he was there, how he was the reason for the demise of a duck! You'll have to ask him?) After a very blistery lunch, off we went home to arrive back at about 4:30pm

Overall a fantastic weekend ~ many thanks to Andy, Richard & Rob for their outstanding organisation & efforts in to giving up their valuable time.

Scouts Mountain experience Weekend  

Over the Weekend of 19th-21st October 2007 the Scout section decided to take a short trip to the Berwyn Mountains in mid-Wales.

The purpose of the trip was to offer the Scouts a mountain experience in a moderately high level remote range of mountains.

The centre that we were to run the weekend from is an ex-youth hostel that is now owned by Northampton District Scouts and is situated in the village of Cynwyd near to Corwen that is near to Llangollen in Denbighshire. This is on the edge of the Berwyn Mountains.


So with all the planning completed, Friday 19th October arrived. Andy and Richard collected the minibus and awaited the arrival of the Scouts and Rob. 7pm saw the first Scouts arrive and the loading commenced. Andy had opted out of the minibus thing as he was driving his wife and children in the car, unfortunately somebody had to drive the 13 Scouts and that job fell to Rich and Rob.

The gang getting on the bus


The journey went smoothly and we all arrived at the hostel at around 10.30pm. The Scouts were sorted into their bunkrooms and settled for the night following a hot drink and snack.

Saturday morning saw the Scouts up early, with lunches packed after a filling breakfast, it was activity time. The Scouts were split into 2 groups; group A were to go walking and group B were to take a cycle ride. Group A was taken to the far end of the Berwyn ridge where Andy was to lead them along the ridge back to the hostel. The Berwyn ridge is about 10 miles long and takes in the highest peak of the range Cadair Berwyn. The walking started at about 10am with the group in high spirits having been dropped near to the highest waterfall in Wales Pistyll Rhaeadr. They made reasonable time at first but soon they adopted that teenager pace that makes adults loose the will to live! Even Andy’s wife Michele and their two young daughters Georgia 6 and Millie 5 had caught them up and were making better time. There were a mixture of bogs and heather moor to negotiate on the ridge that proved a bit of a problem to some of the young people who managed to either sink into it up to their waist or trip at every available place!!!!

Whilst this was all going on Rich had returned to the hostel sorted out the bikes for the remaining Scouts group B and they had set out on a low level circular route navigating the river that passes through Cynwyd.


What a nice day for a cycle ride.

The cyclists returned to the Hostel and set about preparing Dinner, well Rich and Rob did anyway!!!!!!!


Soon group B became bored of waiting for group A who were still on the hills, eventually after 10 hours of walking group A made contact and were collected. There were some very weary Scouts and Leaders that night so Dinner was eaten and a quick chat about the day before bed and believe it not they were quiet straight away!!!!

Jenga tower !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Day two was a reversal of day one with group A having a well deserved rest and cycling and group B getting to go out walking on the hills but with a less strenuous itinerary due to time constraints. However they were still able to get onto Cadair Berwyn and enjoy the stunning views.


The gang at Cynwyd

So the Weekend was almost over with just the hostel to finish cleaning and the journey home to sort. Halfway home the Scouts were fed in true male fashion, into the Burger King for Burger and chips, loads of pop and miscellaneous sweets!!!!

Overall a fab weekend for all concerned and lots of ticks on award sheets!



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